Monday, August 30, 2010

Walk softly or I'll hit you with my stick

I am in a really foul mood. I am not sure why.

While discussing something with my spouse today, I said:

Me: "I just don't want to be annoyed."

Him: "I don't think that is have really been grouchy lately. Everything annoys you, including me."

Me:(Giving him the Death Stare) "I know."

Unfortunately, he is right........I admit it, I get on a tear, and I take it out on the people that don't deserve it because I can't take it out on the ones that do.

I don't even know why I am angry, I just am. (Well...not exactly true, I have some ideas...) I don't like it. It is hard to be pleasant when you feel like sluggin' everyone you talk to.

"Good morning! How are you?"

POW! Right in the kisser..... "Does THAT answer your stupid question?" How bad am I??

OK, I need to do some introspection and get this out of my system, but that is just annoying too. I don't care about touchy feely things when I am angry...Anger drives away the spirit, it drives away all good feelings; and I seem to wallow in it when it happens. Not a good thing, really....

Lots of times, I am not really angry, I am sad or upset or hurt, and these emotions manifest themselves as anger.......blah, blah, blah......who cares? I'm still mad and now I am annoying myself.

See what I mean? How does one extract themselves from a bad attitude? Don't bother giving me any advice, I don't want it. Don't say anything nice to me, I don't want to feel better. Leave me alone, I'll get over it eventually....... Remember Lon Chaney Jr. playing the werewolf? You know how he wanted to be locked up so he wouldn't hurt anyone? Yeah, that's how I need to be treated when I feel like this. The difference between him and me, however, is that I am not horrified at my transformation into a miserable creature; I would probably get pleasure out of biting your head off, BUT I have been conditioned in socially acceptable behavior. I will look at you and answer your questions civilly. I will not snarl or tell you that you are ignorant, nor will I engage in sarcastic response. (Sarcastic THOUGHT maybe, but not sarcastic response.) No need to make everyone around me feel as miserable as I do.....might want to but don't need to.

OK, positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts........Not working, not working, not working.....I'm just gonna let the werewolf out tonight.....I'll lock myself in.

1 comment:

Stacie said...

I love that you can annoy yourself. Just punch em next time. Maybe they'll learn a lesson.