Wednesday, February 18, 2009

DVRiduculous Part I

My husband hates my hair. Everytime I go to get it done, I come home and he hates it. He wants me to change hairdressers. I love my hairdresser. We went to nursing school together. I love the way he does my hair, although, I will say that it is pretty short. But I love the color, and even though it is short, it will grow back.

I love my DVR. Interesting story around the DVR. My son kept telling me that I needed to get DVR, and I kept saying that I would look into it........Then one day the Verizon man came to my door wanting to sell me Verizon service. I had Comcast service....Wayne, (my one and only, or moo for short,) knows that he is not allowed to make any decision around my internet service, our telephones, or cable unless it goes through me. (Long story about telephones...sufice it to say that at one point we had 3 telephone lines with 3 different carriers....) Anyway, so the Verizon guy came to see me.after moo said he would have to talk to me. I said no, but I might consider it if I got free DVR for a year. That was no sell, but he did give me some kind of deal which enticed me to change over my very very reliable Comcast service. Not only my cable service, but my internet service, and my telephones that were already Verizon, but now we had some kind of special 3 for 1 deal. I should always follow my inclinations, and my inclination here was NOT to go to Verizon; not to mention that the change would mean changing my email, and all of the accounts with my email, and blah blah blah...So the Verizon guys came and spent all day (and I mean all day) hooking up my TVs, and my internet, and my telephones. I asked for a DVR that could be recorded in one room and viewed in another. So the main DVR was in the family room and the additional "Viewing boxes" were in 2 of the bedrooms upstairs. What I am about to tell you is shameful.........I mean it is just ridiculous........I have 5, count them 5, televisions in my home. Why do 2 people need 5 televisions?? Not to mention I have a 6th and 7th in my basement that work but are not hooked up!! What is worse is that I watch 4 of them! (When there is time.) Now, mind you, I don't get to watch the 55 inch television as I please. That one belongs to moo. I will watch with him, but he controls the remote. That is why I used to have so much trouble with the remote. I never used one, and my TVs upstairs had simple on/off remotes without all the cable doo doo that comes with advanced television watching. You know, this is going to be a long story, so I will have to continue later, I have some work to do before I go to bed tonight.

You know, I can go all day long without saying 2 words to anyone, but the minute I sit down to write, I am like a dam that has broken....Could it be I just like to talk (write)without interruption?? Or maybe I just like my company better than anyone else's? Well that's rude isn't it? I don't think anyone looks at this blog anyway, so I guess I can be rude. Part II tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Does Any of this Make Sense??

I am going to try and do this again. It is just a horrible shame that life gets in the way of blogging. You to work............ driving home from work. I am gone from 6:30 am to 4:30 or 5:00 pm every day. Every other weekend I work at my second job. I am tired of working.....I have worked a full time job for 37 years. That is just not right for an old woman. I should be comfortably retired, or at least heading in that direction. I don't think I will ever be able to reitre. You have to have a bazillion dollars. I don't have a bazillion dollars............

OK, my frustration is showing. What I really want to do is become a free-lance photographer.....Stop laughing!!! Why can't I do that? I take some pretty good pictures. I just need a camera that costs a bazillion dollars.......Oh yeah.... I don't have a bazillion dollars. Actually I guess I don't need a camera that expensive. I was looking at Circuit City and they had some awesome cameras at their going out of business sale.......Some going out of business sale! They inflated the prices and then took off 10%. No wonder they are going out of business. When someone is going out of business, I want a real deal.......You know,... a $2500.00 camera for $25.00. Now THAT is a going out of business sale.

I am usually in bed by this time. It is 11:15, and I get up really early. That is why I have not been blogging, but maybe I can get back in practice. It's the only place I write down anything that is remotely intersting in my life. HMMMMMM......Maybe that is why I have not been writing anything....My life is really boring. Isn't everyones' life boring, though? I mean, really, if you are filthy rich and have nothing to do like most celebrities, I guess you can have an exciting time screwing your life up. (Well, I know plenty of people that have screwed their life up without being a celebrity, but I hate celebrities.....Well, actually I guess I don't hate celebrities, I hate people that love celebrities... I mean, really....get a life people. HEY!! Maybe that is the problem. If you are not a celebrity your life is boring (like mine) and then you want to be a celebrity so you can have an interesting life. (Except I don't want to be a celebrity, at least I don't think I a closet wannabe???)
Boy, I really shouldn't be writing this late at night...............But here are a few samples of my pictures, just in case someone wants to buy them....You know, in case I still can be a free-lance photographer........I said don't laugh!! Hey!!! Click on these and they get big, They are even better when you can see them that way!!