Sunday, September 04, 2005

Soapbox Time!

I have been in mourning long enough. It is time to get back to blogging. The hard part about this is what I try to do here is have a little fun and try to make a few people smile. With all of the tragedy in LA and MS after Katrina, it is hard to get light hearted about anything. So just let me get up on my soapbox for the next few minutes and get these thoughts off my chest.

I am disappointed...and a little embarrassed.....that the world has to see us infighting so much. This is a time to come together as a nation......not point fingers of blame. The mayor of New Orleans wants to blame the federal government and especially President Bush for not getting to the city on time, for not getting food to the city, for not getting transportation out of the city, for wasting time. My question is: As Mayor of a city that resides below sea level, (I am sure you knew that before the storm!) why did you not offer your citizens who were too poor, too sick, too young, too old to get out on their own, an opportunity to get out? Could you not have asked for transportation? Could you not have asked for your own National Guard to help? (Yes folks, the National Guard is a program that can be activated by the local authorities) Did the storm take you by surprise, or did you know several days in advance that you might get flattened? When you called for evacuation, did you consider all of those who might not have the ability to go? Are they not under your local care?

The democrats are so happy that they have something to criticize Bush with that they are about ready to pee there pants. C'mon guys let get perspective here. Drop the attack and get on board the help train. I wanna see Trent Lott and Ted Kennedy working side by side down there cleaning up! (Well, they might not be in the best health for that, but you get my drift.) Do you realize that it makes the rest of the world nervous when we get out of whack? Please, let us put on the face that shows the land of the free and the home of the brave. That is what we are....... in spite of political battling..........And please don't play the race card for me. I just want to blow a gasket. When members of the congressional black caucus get up and say on TV that they are ashamed of America and ashamed of the government because they believe we do not care what happens to these victims because they are black, I just want to explode. It's one thing to criticize the government, but I say to you, how dare you criticize the people of your own nation......people who are opening there wallets and giving of their time and talents to assist all of the victims. How dare you......I am going to help in spite of your mean natured comments, because it isn't about you....or me.

It doesn't really matter who you want to blame now, its's tragic....we all need to pray for those who have been devastated by this and dip into our pocketbooks to donate cash. We also need to dip into our hearts and think about what we can do, no matter how little, to help our brothers and sisters out there. What I believe is that the vast majority of our nation is not wasting time pointing fingers, but are trying to do what they can to help, with money, donations, talents, and time. Let's forget about the stupid politics of it all and learn a lesson here. If we are not prepared for these kind of things, how do we get prepared? What can we put into place after this tragedy to prevent it from happening again? (Because believe me, this will not be the last time here or abroad that we have disaster....we are living in the last day my friends. Don't get all freaky on me, I am not looking toward heaven for a chariot of fire yet.) We have ways to respond, how can they be better? What are you doing in your family to be ready for a disaster? Do you have a plan? We need to take responsibility for ourselves as well, and not expect for the government to be there waiting with open arms. They will help, but we are talking human beings here, they are not perfect. At least be ready to keep yourselves sustained for a short while. (72 hour kits, guys)
No matter what you feel about what happened or how the response should have been, the fact remains that we have thousands that need our help now. You can do something...anything, open your doors, send a canned good, give a dollar, better yet give a lot of dollars if you can, just do it, you'll feel better....... and someone else will be better too.


Anonymous said...
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Tha Docta said...

You got spamminated, so I got rid of the comment for you. Anyway...

You beat me to it on a few of the subjects. It's unbelievable the way people want to turn this into another opportunity to further themselves politically. That having been said, I don't know enough to know who gets the blame for the way things were handled, but it's been absolutely inexcusable. We've had enough hurricanes now that we should know how to respond and when to respond.

Anonymous said...
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