Sunday, July 31, 2005

No More Death Breath!

This is my dog Ed. I love Ed. As you can see, he is pretty good size. His top weight was around 135 pounds, but he is down to about 109 now. Ed will be 11 years old this year. I took Ed to the vet last week because he had a tumor on his eye. Well, it was under his eyelid, but it began to grow out. The vet said it had to come out, so on Friday he went to have surgery. The vet said he would clean his teeth too. I had wanted to get that done for a long time cause Ed has Death Breath. I mean when he pants, he could clear a room. I just thought that dogs had nasty breath because they sometimes ate nasty things. Just so you know, dogs can have Death Breath because they have a bad tooth. (WARNING! WARNING! GROSS STUFF AHEAD!)My poor Ed had a hole in the gum by his back molar that had become necrotic and filled with.........well, suffice it to say it was bad. The roots of his tooth were exposed and he had a pus pocket along his jowl. (I am sure this was the source of the said Death Breath)The vet took pictures and showed them to me. (Those of you that know me will know that I found that cool. Somebody has to like doing this kind of stuff, or we would all walk around with yucky things on us and our pets!) Anyway, the eye is fixed, the teeth are fixed, and Ed is like new. No more pushing him away when he looks up at me with those big brown eyes and then belches. Thats a sign of love from a dog you know! The vet said he had the blood work of a 2 year old, which makes me happy. I hope Eddie is around for a while to come. Just don't ask me what all this cost...I still wince a little. But look at my big baby! It was worth it.


Tha Docta said...

No picture of Eddie in the snow without a reflection, huh? Oh well. I'm glad this post wasn't about him dying or something, because I would've been sad. I'm glad he's helathy with all those tumors.

Anonymous said...

I knew you would have something to say about that picture. It was the only one I had on the computer, so I just went with it. The vet said the lumps and bumps were nothing to worry about. I was happy.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear that Eddie is like new again. I have to ask you about some lumps on my little dog, I have been hesitant on taking her to the vet. I love reading your blogs :)


Anonymous said...

Dawn, I love that you read my blogs! And you are part of the family, you know!